Arthur C. Clarke
- ARTHUR C. CLARKE - A black ink and gray pencil drawing with press-on lettering, on an 11 x 14 size vellum paper. It appears on the cover of, "STARMONT READER'S GUIDE No. 1," published by Starmont House.
I did 43 Reader's Guide covers for Starmont House. I used the same format for all of them so they would appear as part of a set.
I have read most of Sir Arthur C. Clarke's stories and have enjoyed most of them, but I have been far more rewarded from reading his non-fiction books, those containing collected essays featuring autobiographical revelations that he wrote during his middle and later years; "Profiles of the Future," "The View From Serendip," "1984: Spring," and others.
Although Clarke is known as a science fiction writer, he was a man of science with an extraordinary vision, imagination, and a poetic writing talent. It was an incredible experience reading his informative essays on science, on mankind, and of the wonders of the Universe.

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